Federal Mobile Computing Summit: Enhancing the Mission with Mobility

ATARC Federal Mobile Computing Summit|August 19-20, 2014

The Federal Mobile Computing Summit: Enhancing the Mission with Mobility was held on August 19-20, 2014, at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, D.C. Jon Johnson (GSA) and Greg Youst (DISA) served as Government Chairs of the event, while Alan Dabbiere (AirWatch by VMWare) and Tom Suder (ATARC) were the Industry Chairs.

The symposium featured seven panels with mobile subject matter experts from the Federal government and academia, as well as a Technology Showcase with the latest in cutting-edge technology from leading mobile innovators. On the day prior to the Summit, the MITRE-ATARC Mobile Collaboration Symposium drew a large government audience which discussed and white-boarded mobile “challenge areas” focusing on four topics. (Download White Paper)

Advanced Mobile Solutions for Citizen Services panelists (from left to right): Erik Augustson (NIH); Jacob Parcell (GSA); Lisa Wolfisch (Census); and Alex Kreilein (DHS).

atarc_logoThe host organization for the Federal Cloud Computing Summit is the Advanced Technology Academic Research Center (ATARC). ATARC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides a collaborative forum for government, academia and industry to resolve emerging technology challenges. ATARC also introduces innovative technology from academic research labs to the Federal government and private industry.