The ATARC Federal Internet of Everything Summit will be held on Tuesday, November 10 at the Marriott Metro Center in Washington, D.C. (Full Agenda)
David Bray, 2015 Eisenhower Fellow and Chief Information Officer of the Federal Communications Commission, will serve as Government Chair of this educational, one-day symposium. Bray will open the event with a Visionary Keynote on the Internet of Everything.
The morning will also feature three panels with government and academic subject matter experts on the following topics: Impact of the Internet of Everything on the Federal Government; Securing The Internet of Everything; and The Internet of Everything of the Future.
Alan Webber, Research Director, Digital Government for IDC Government Insights, will give an analsyt briefing on the Internet of Things, examing IoT from both an industry and government perspective. In the afternoon, the MITRE-ATARC IoE Collaboration Symposium will discuss and white-board various challenge areas and produce a White Paper with recommendations for the Federal government.
Also included is the ATARC IoE Technology Showcase, which features the latest in cutting-edge technology from leading innovators in the private sector. This event provides government participants the ability to conduct valuable market research.

The host organization for the event is the Advanced Technology Academic Research Center (ATARC). ATARC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides a collaborative forum for government, academia and industry to resolve emerging technology challenges. ATARC also introduces innovative technology from academic research labs to the Federal government and private industry.