The Best Cybersecurity Conferences for 2020

To be on par with innovation and technology, you need to be there at its source and acknowledge all that is happening around. By doing so, you tend to be more informative and can also take calculated steps for safety and security. One such matter of security deals with the internet and can be described as Cybersecurity. Every individual who uses similar services needs to be familiar with what they are venturing into, and the best way to do so is by attending conferences. Yes, that’s right. Conducted and formed by experts, you will receive more insights than ever. Hence, mark your calendar because here are some of the best cybersecurity conferences that are going to take place in 2020.

1. Defcon (August 6-9)

You may have heard about this event since it has already received the number one spot. Founded in 1993, this event aims to bring together creative individuals associated with hacking, security journalism, government, and so on for the purpose of Cybersecurity. The kind of talks that the event holds tend to reek of information that is empowering and engaging. Apart from speeches, they also have workshops and games aimed at turning an amateur into an expert.

2. RSA Conference (February 24-28)

Cybersecurity awareness and the formation of its culture are two main aspects that RSA conference focuses on. This particular conference has been deemed to be the largest in the world and has been going on for over 30 years. By all means, the speakers at the event tend to help people understand the importance of taking the right kind of decisions. In this age where data can be found and taken, it is extremely important to be aware of the issue at hand.

3. Black Hat USA (August 1-6)

Black Hat USA

Black Hat USA is another cybersecurity conference that comes into the picture with a lot of history. Founded in 1997, the event has helped numerous people transform their definition of Cybersecurity. Starting with technical training, the event goes on with the conference that includes briefing and other such aspects. Thanks to its popularity, various Black Hat events are conducted around the world with the most famous one being Black Hat Asia.

4. Troopers (March 16-20)

Like Black Hat, Troopers is also another event that begins with training and then moves on to the central part. The event has always been grazed by IT and security experts who tend to hold many years of experience in their respective fields. Towards the end, they tend to provide solutions to various questions, marking that to be the main highlight. Hence, make sure to attend these conferences to receive the right kind of knowledge.