ATARC Health IT Innovation Awards

The ATARC Health Innovation Awards recognize individuals and teams from the Federal government that utilize Health Information Technology tools to better accomplish the mission of their agency.

ATARC Health IT Innovation Awards | November 20, 2014 | Washington, DC

Cynthia Barrigan, MPH, 
Portfolio Manager, Global Health Engagement 
U.S. Army Telemedicine & Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC) 

Andrew Garrett
 (Speaker Presentation), Director, National Disaster Medical System 
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services  

Dr. Joseph Ronzio, Special Assistant to the Chief Health Technology Officer  
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs  

atarc_logoThe host organization of the Federal Health IT Summit is the Advanced Technology Academic Research Center (ATARC). ATARC is a non-profit organization that introduces innovative technology from academic research labs to the Federal government and private industry, and provides a collaborative forum for Federal Government, academia and industry to resolve emerging technology challenges.