MITRE-ATARC Mobile Collaboration Symposium

February 18, 2015 | Grand Hyatt | Washington, DC

  • Download MITRE-ATARC Mobile White Paper (.pdf)
  • Fierce Mobile Government story on MITRE-ATARC Mobile White Paper

2:45 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Opening Remarks & Logistics

3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Collaboration Sessions

4:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Session Out Briefs

5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
ATARC Reception hosted by Samsung

Challenge Area 1: Identity and Access Management: Deploying Derived Credentials at the Enterprise Level

Key Discussion Topics

  • What agencies/organizations are deploying derived credentials?
  • What are the best practices/lessons learned?
  • What gaps exist in the policy and technical guidance for agencies to fully adopt derived credentials?
  • What does the next generation of IdAM look like?

Session Leads

  • Mark Russell, MITRE
  • Paul Nelson, Thursby

Challenge Area 2: Making Bring Your Own Device a Reality in the Federal Government

Key Discussion Topics

  • What policy advancements are being made? What additional advancements need to be made?
  • What are the ideal architectures for BYOD?
  • Where does technology need to advance to make BYOD more usable and more secure?

Session Leads

  • DJ Kachman, VA
  • Mike Peck, MITRE
  • Chris Taylor, Entrust Datacard

Challenge Area 3:  Building Commercial Solutions for Classified Use

Key Discussion Topics

  • What information and guidance can the government provide commercial companies to build better commercial technology for classified use?
  • What factors will incentivize commercial companies to build commercial solutions for classified use?
  • What factors will prohibit commercial companies to build commercial solutions for classified use?
  • Where can academia assist?

Session Leads

  • Christopher Magaha, Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC) Program Management Office
  • Gaurav Seth, MITRE
  • Craig Ano, Samsung

Challenge Area 4: Sharing Information Across Organizational Boundaries Case Study: Extending Federal Mobile Security Baseline to State, Local, Tribal and Territorial (SLTT) Entities

Key Discussion Topics

  • Challenges that need to be solved to share information across Federal/State/Local/NGO
  • Known gaps, barriers and opportunities presented by use of mobile devices by SLTT personnel
  1. Gaps in technology and policy
  2. Barriers in mobile access to Federal data
  3. Opportunities for secure delivery of information and services
  • Commercial factors, capabilities and consideration required in information-sharing scenarios
  • Potential methods for assessing trust in mobile clients
  • Data tagging and dissemination techniques from mobile clients
  • Prototypes and research that academia can conduct to help this area
  • Lessons learned from commercial companies (non-government) that may be applicable to government

Session Leads

  • Kent Kettell, DHS
  • Jeffrey Ait, BlackBerry
  • Dan Wilkens, AvePoint

Rules of Engagement

1.   Participants come prepared to:

  • Break out into teams
  • Contribute and participate from specific domain/experience
  • Write ideas on the table space whiteboard
  • Share ideas and build off each other’s contributions
  • Attend and complete session that you have signed-up
  • Support the moderator and team members
  • Create sets of best practices to support the event’s objectives and goals
  • Refrain from business development and sales discussions

2.   All discussed material must be publicly releasable

  • No Classified discussions
  • No proprietary discussions

3.   None of the discussions or artifacts constitute Government direction, nor should be interpreted as official Government position

Following the MITRE-ATARC Mobile Collaboration Symposium, the ATARC Reception will be held from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. All Symposium participants are welcome to attend.

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