MITRE-ATARC Mobile Collaboration Symposium

12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Registration (Hemisphere Room A)

1:00 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.
Opening Remarks & Logistics (Hemisphere Room A)

1:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.
Collaboration Sessions (Hemisphere Rooms A&B, Oceanic Rooms A&B)

3:45 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

4:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.
Out Briefs and Government Q&A for Industry (Hemisphere Room A)

4:45 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Academic Guest Speaker: Dr. Walt Scacchi, Sr. Research Scientist, Institute for Software Research, University of California, Irvine (Hemisphere Room A)

5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
ATARC Reception presented by Samsung (Downstairs Compass Room at Aria)

Challenge Area 1: Mobile App Legal & Acquisition Best Practices

This session will determine the top priority acquisition and legal implications associated with creating mobile applications and reusing them across government agencies through app stores.  It will also develop recommendations on how to address these issues, taking into account viewpoints from government, commercial, and academia.


  • Identify the key legal and acquisition issues associated mobile apps type during a typical lifecycle
  • Determine legal and acquisition issues associated with sharing and reusing apps across government agencies
  • Rank identified issues by relative importance
  • Identify the natural order in which issues should be addressed along with recommendations on how to address them


  • List of ordered issues
  • Recommendations on how to address acquisition and legal issues


  • Kimberly Hancher, Chief Information Officer, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
  • Diane Hanf, MITRE
Challenge Area 2: Impacts of the Emerging Internet of Things on the Government Enterprise

This session will identify aspects an organization should consider when implementing technologies and concepts that are encompassed by the Internet of Things (IoT).  The session will go beyond the hype of IoT and identify the practical implications associated with adopting this emerging concept.


  • Define a practical working definition of Internet of Things as it pertains to the government
  • Identify impacts the IoT will have on mission and data centers
  • Determine security shortfalls and provide recommendations on what needs to be done to secure IoT
  • Define challenges and recommendations to current technology on-boarding processes


  • Recommendations required to secure Internet of Things
  • Recommendations to address impact and on-boarding for Internet of Things


  • Clay Michaels, Deputy CTO, Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts
  • Dr. Michael Valivullah, Chief Technology Officer, National Agricultural Statistics Service, U.S Department of Agriculture
  • Karen Caraway, MITRE
Challenge Area 3:  How to Embrace Contextually Aware & Wearable Computing

This session will look deep into the brave new world of contextually aware applications and wearable computing. While business applications of the past have largely delivered static content, mobile computing has rapidly enhanced user experience such that users are coming to expect personalized interactions with their data. This can have an impact to organization’s security and legal matters. It also has direct impact on in house development and testing procedures. Finally, it forces us to view how this computing model impacts us as individual organizations and as a whole.


  • Explore security impact of wearable computing, both from employees and outsiders perspectives
  • Explore legal impact of wearable computing devices both inside and outside of controlled spaces
  • Discover where contextually aware computing has already impacted the federal government and capture pros/cons
  • Discuss development and testing environments and how they differ from other environments
  • Discuss internal training and awareness impact
  • Discuss available tool sets that exist in this arena


  • Recommendations for setting up a development environment for contextually aware applications
  • Recommendations for mitigating security risks associated with contextually aware apps
  • A list of legal aspects related to wearable computing in the workplace


  • Jared Ondricek, MITRE
  • Craig Ano, Samsung
Challenge Area 4: Integrating Mobility Into the Enterprise – Moving Beyond Mobile Application Development (MAD)/Mobile Device Management (MDM)

This session will focus on the impacts mobile technologies have on the Enterprise.  It will go beyond the technical aspects, and look at how we must re-think the Enterprise, and how people work in a mobility enabled organization.  This session will document the considerations organizations should address after basic mobility technologies and processes are established, in order to realize the efficiencies mobility offers.


  • Define the scope of mobile technology on the Enterprise: SmartPhone, Tablets, Internet of Things
  • Compare the Enterprise’s mobility enabled operational model vs. the traditional operational model
  • Detail how people work and collaborate in a mobile enabled Enterprise
  • Describe the ideal Enterprise required to support this new mobile paradigm (Includes people, processes and technology)


  • Reference architecture of the ideal Enterprise, supporting mobile technologies
  • Identifying changes to mobile end-points and Enterprise support strategies
  • Set of recommend courses of action to support transitional strategy for the Enterprise of the future
  • Set of recommendation to support the management and support for the increasing number of mobile end-points
  • Set of recommendation to support model devices in the Enterprise 


  • Rob Palmer, Deputy Executive Director (Acting), Enterprise System Development Office, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
  • David Rubin, Chief of Collaboration, Compliance and Authentication Engineering Unit/Head of Mobility Program Office, Federal Bureau of Investigation
  • Brian Brady, MITRE
  • Lindsay Kent & Chris Taylor, Entrust
Rules of Engagement

1.   Participants come prepared to:

  • Break out into teams
  • Contribute and participate from specific domain/experience
  • Write ideas on the table space whiteboard
  • Share ideas and build off each other’s contributions
  • Attend and complete session that you have signed-up
  • Support the moderator and team members
  • Create sets of best practices to support the event’s objectives and goals
  • Refrain from business development and sales discussions

2.   All discussed material must be publically releasable

  • No Classified discussions
  • No proprietary discussions

3.   None of the discussions or artifacts constitute Government direction, nor should be interpreted as official Government position

Following the MITRE-ATARC Mobile Collaboration Symposium, the ATARC Collaboration Reception will be held from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Downstairs Compass Room at Aria (Adjacent to Hemisphere Room A). All Symposium participants are welcome to attend.