Federal Health IT Summit Media Coverage

November 19-20, 2014 | Grand Hyatt | Washington, DC

The Federal Health IT Summit was held on November 19-20, 2014 at the Grand Hyatt in Washington, D.C. Below is media coverage from the event.


As expectations by consumers grow when it comes to improved care through IT and mobile devices, technology is finally rising to meet them, according to panelists at the Federal Health IT Summit in the District of Columbia on Thursday.

The panelists, leaders at government agencies and hospitals, spoke about their roles regarding mobile and health IT, and where they see the future of technology going. (Full story)


With millions of Americans using fitness apps and tracking devices that count thousands of steps, keep tabs on weight and diet information, and record other consumer behavior information, there’s more data than ever to enhance a person’s health decisions. But researchers at the National Cancer Institute are hesitant to say this wearable tech revolution is clinically effective.

James McClain, program director of NCI’s Risk Factor Monitoring and Methods Branch within the National Institutes of Health, said Thursday as part of a health IT panel that his institute is a major supporter of the growing infrastructure on connected health devices and applications, especially the data they generate. On a scientific level, though, he questioned, “Do we know if any of this works?” (Full story)