ATARC Federal Cloud Computing Summit

July 26, 2016 | Marriott Metro Center | Washington, DC

The ATARC Federal Cloud Computing Summit was held on July 26, 2016 at the Washington Marriott at Metro Center in Washington, D.C.

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The Defense Information Systems Agency’s (DISA) three-tiered plan for DOD cloud computing and security took center stage at the Advanced Technology Academic Research Center (ATARC) Federal Cloud Computing Summit held July 26 at the Washington Marriott at Metro Center located in the District of Columbia.

The three tiers – traditional computing, on-premise private cloud, and off-premise commercial cloud offerings – as well as the need for secure hosting environments, were explained by John Hale, ‎chief of DISA’s Cloud Portfolio in the Services Development Directorate. (Full Story)
Buying cloud is complicated, but comparing cloud offerings from different vendors is even harder. Terms and definitions are inconsistent. Responsibilities and metrics vary. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) aims to change all that. John Messina, a computer scientist and senior member of NIST’s Cloud Computing Program, is part of a team trying to roll out international  standards for cloud computing service level agreements (SLAs). We caught up with him at the Advanced Technology Academic Research Center (ATARC) Cloud Summit in Washington, where he shared his vision with a large government audience. (Full Story and Interview)

The Department of Homeland Security wants to be a technology leader in the federal government, and the cloud is a key to doing that, CTO Michael Hermus said. “DHS needs to be a tech company with guns and security, just like Southwest Airlines calls itself a software company with planes,” he said during a keynote speech at the Advanced Technology Academic Research Center’s Federal Cloud Computing Summit on July 26. (Full Story)


FedRAMP isn’t a silver bullet for government cloud computing, but the Office of Management and Budget’s latest data center initiative might as well be an on-ramp. Federal enterprise leaders urged an audience of private sector and government employees, gathered at the July 26 ATARC Federal Cloud Computing Summit in Washington, not to be afraid of the Federal Data Center Optimization Initiative, but instead to embrace it for its cloud service promotion. (Full Story | Audio on the Federal Drive with Tom Temin)



Closing and consolidating data centers is not just a technical shift for agencies but a management and workforce concern as well, officials said at an event Tuesday.  As federal government tries to modernize legacy systems, move to the cloud and eliminate data centers, federal leaders need to focus on retraining employees instead of viewing them as obsolete or looking to Silicon Valley to bring about change, panelists urged during a presentation on data center optimization at the ATARC Federal Cloud Computing Summit in Washington, D.C. (Full Story)