MITRE-ATARC Cloud Collaboration Symposium

The MITRE-ATARC Cloud Collaboration Symposium was held on July 8, 2014 at the Ronald Reagan Building, Washington, D.C. (View the White Paper documenting the symposium)

Challenge Area 1: Cloud Computing in Austere Environments (Oceanic Room B)
Discuss best practices, current efforts, and future advances of cloud computing in tactical, disconnected, or challenged environments in which network connectivity is not guaranteed.

Session Leads: Jeff Witsken (Army TRADOC); Katy Warren (MITRE); Matt Shepherd (Mindpoint)

Challenge Area 2: Cloud Computing for the Mobile Worker (Oceanic Room A)
Discuss expected advancements or challenges as mobile computing and cloud computing continue to merge, along with challenges, solutions, and best practices for federal workers without a traditional office.

Session Leads: Eric Fischer (Library of Congress); Karen Caraway (MITRE); John Xereas (CSC)

Challenge Area 3: Security as a Service (Hemisphere Room A)
With an increased focus on cloud security within the government, how can security be offered as a contractual service from commercial and government providers? How can agreements be constructed to ensure security in cloud computing?

Session Leads: Jim Quinn (DHS); Don Faatz (MITRE); Dave Merrill (eGlobalTech)

Challenge Area 4: Impact of Cloud in the Enterprise (Hemisphere Room B)
How does cloud-enabled enterprise change daily operations and how can enterprise leadership help adapt to and adopt the benefits and changes that cloud computing brings about? A discussion on emerging policy, procurement, budgeting, and acquisition challenges with a focus on Government-enabled adoption.

Session Leads: Bob Morse (U.S. Courts); Nancy Ross (MITRE); Sean Rhody (CapGemini)


1.   Participants come prepared to:

  • Break out into teams
  • Contribute and participate from specific domain/experience
  • Write ideas on the table space whiteboard
  • Share ideas and build off each other’s contributions
  • Attend and complete session that you have signed-up
  • Support the moderator and team members
  • Create sets of best practices to support the event’s objectives and goals
  • No business development

2.   All discussed material must be publically releasable

  • No Classified discussions
  • No proprietary discussions

3.   None of the discussions or artifacts constitute Government direction, nor should be interpreted as official Government position