ATARC Cloud Innovation Awards

The ATARC Cloud Innovation Awards recognize individuals and teams from the Federal government that utilize cloud and virtualization tools to better accomplish the mission of their agency.

Claudio Belloli (far left), FedRAMP Program Manager for Cybersecurity, received an ATARC Cloud Innovation Award on July 23, 2015. Presenting the award (from left): Industry Chair Chris Aherne (Adobe); Organization Chair Tom Suder (ATARC); and Government Chair Phil Klokis (GSA PBS).

July 2015 ATARC Cloud Innovation Award Winners

Claudio Belloli, U.S. General Services Administration
Dr. Michaela Iorga, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Phil Klokis, U.S. General Services Administration
John Skudlarek, Federal Communications Commission

Previous ATARC Cloud Innovation Award Winners

Thomas Bayer, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (July 2014)
Bob Bohn, National Institute of Standards and Technology (January 2015)
Peter Chin
, U.S. Department of Homeland Security (December 2013)
Casey Coleman
, U.S. General Services Administration (May 2013)
Emery Csulak, U.S. Department of Homeland Security (July 2014)
Greg Godbout, 18F, U.S. General Services Administration (January 2015)
Matt Goodrich, U.S. General Services Administration (December 2013)
Jennifer Gray, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (December 2013)
Lawrence Gross, U.S. Department of Interior (January 2015)
Roopangi Kadakia, NASA (December 2013)
Anil Karmel, National Nuclear Security Administration (May 2013)
Dave McClure, U.S. General Services Administration (May 2013)
Dan McCrae, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (January 2015)
Julie Mintz, Defense Information Systems Agency (December 2013)
Scott Renda, Office of Management and Budget (July 2014)
Maria Roat, U.S. General Services Administration (July 2014)
Mark Schwartz, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (January 2015)
Keith Trippie, U.S. Department of Homeland Security (May 2013)
Barry West, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (July 2014)

atarc_logoThe host organization is the Advanced Technology Academic Research Center (ATARC). ATARC is a non-profit organization that introduces innovative technology from academic research labs to the Federal government and private industry, and provides a collaborative forum for Federal Government, academia and industry to resolve emerging technology challenges.