Federal Big Data Summit Media Coverage

June 19-20, 2014 | Ronald Reagan Building | Washington, DC

The Federal Big Data Summit: Solving Real Problems With Big Data was held on June 19-20, 2014, at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, D.C. Below is media coverage from the event.


The National Football League has never been more competitive than it is today, and its combination of athletic rivalries and weekly dram pushed the league to new revenue heights in 2013, eclipsing the $9 billion mark.

The NFL is already the most profitable sports league in the world, yet it manages to retain its fan base and attract new ones each season, largely because of its increased competitiveness. According to NFL Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer Michelle McKenna-Doyle, the 2012 and 2013 seasons featured more victories by teams with margins of victory fewer than three points than any other two-year stretch in NFL history. (Full story)


Tablets on the sidelines. Electronic medical records follow players as they leave one team and sign with another. A massive, searchable database with a video clip that corresponds to every recorded stat.

Welcome to the Modern NFL

Just in the last couple years, the league has been making a concerted push to modernize and consolidate its technology operations, spanning its various consumer-facing media platforms, the technology coaches and referees use on the field, as well as internal systems, according to Michelle McKenna-Doyle, the NFL’s CIO, a relatively new position within the league. (Full story)


A new survey of federal agencies suggests that some are maturing much faster than others in the harnessing of big data and that the core elements of success go well beyond technology and the availability of data scientists.

“What surprised me most is that there’s such a big and distinct difference between the high achievers and low achievers” among big data users at federal agencies, said Adelaide O’Brien, research director for IDC Government Insights, which conducted the survey. The study is among the first to establish a benchmark of maturity in the use of big data and analytic tools by federal agencies. (Full story)


A Treasury Department official with responsibility for developing DATA Act compliance guidelines says the plan is to keep new data creation to a minimum – largely because there is no new money available to implement the measure.

“We are very conscious of the fact that we don’t have additional resources and what we’re trying to do is take a data-centric approach,” Renata Maziarz, senior policy analyst at the Bureau of Fiscal Service at Treasury, said at the Federal Big Data Summit in Washington, D.C., on June 20. (Full story)


When Peyton Manning furiously taps on the top of his helmet, it was believed the Denver Broncos quarterback was signaling to the sideline that the wireless headset used to relay plays inside his helmet was broken.

For Michelle McKenna-Doyle, the chief information officer for the National Football League who, among many other duties, is responsible for the in-game communications used by coaches and players, that sight of Manning tapping his helmet – something he does a lot – always brought on anxiety. (Full story)