ATARC Federal Cybersecurity Integration Summit

May 20, 2015 | Renaissance Washington | Washington, DC

The ATARC Federal Cybersecurity Integration Summit was held on May 20, 2015 at the Washington Marriott at Metro Center in Washington, D.C. Below is media coverage from the event.

fnrBrad Nix, the deputy director of U.S. CERT, said STIX, which stands for Structured Threat Information eXpression, is a no-cost method for machine-to-machine sharing of cyber threat indicators.

“STIX is a collaborative effort to develop standardized and structured language to represent cyber threat information. The framework is intended to convey a full range of potential cyber threat data elements. It’s set up in a way that allows the actual sharing of the information to be expressive, flexible, extensible as well as automatable,” Nix said Wednesday in an interview with Federal News Radio after a panel discussion at the Cybersecurity Integration Summit sponsored by the Advanced Technology Academic Research Center in Washington. (Full Story)
fgitThe federal government wants a better line of sight into cyber incidents and breaches within the commercial sector, but many American companies shy away from formally sharing such information with agencies, a panel of federal experts said at a May 20 forum in Washington, D.C.

Convincing the private sector to share more information about cybersecurity incidents with the federal government will take trust building and a cooperative effort across all relevant agencies, the ATARC Federal Cybersecurity Integration Summit. (Full Story)
When it comes to cybersecurity, the relationship between businesses and the government has been mostly all carrot and no stick.

And most federal officials say that’s the only way to make cyber improvements actually stick around in the commercial sector

Donna Dodson leads the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence, which aims to work with businesses to improve their cybersecurity posture, often by helping them find commercially available technology. While cybersecurity guidance can originate within the federal government, the market must independently promote the technology for it to last, she told Nextgov. (Full Story)
fsDonna Dodson wants computer scientists and engineers to approach cybersecurity the same way car designers approach a vehicle’s steering wheel.

Dodson, who heads the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence, used the metaphor during a cybersecurity summit Wednesday to emphasize the need for change in how people think about cybersecurity. (Full Story)